Current PARC Member List

This list shows the current members of the Palomar Amateur Radio Club

You can click on the column headers to change the sort order (if you have
Javascript enabled). Click on the callsign to look them up in the free
HamQTH server. Note that the HamQTH information does not reflect
the address or other information in PARC’s database.
Names are in ALL
CAPS because the postal service likes them that way.

If you’re not listed here, you are not a paid-up member as of the
database update date shown. We’d love to have you as a member! Please
join or re-join now! If you’ve just joined or renewed
within the last couple of weeks, don’t panic — we probably haven’t processed
your membership yet.

If your expiration date is coming up, please
renew now! Please send any changes to your information
or questions about your membership to
